Research & Universities
Póvoa de Varzim makes use of the range of higher education available in Porto, as the main municipality in the Metropolitan Area of Porto, for the development of research and projects in areas of its interest and to steer student demand in the direction of Porto.
Porto University has:
• The Faculty of Arts provides degrees, doctoral courses and study centres in the areas of literature, languages and communication.
• The Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Culture, Space and Memory of the Porto University's Faculty of Arts (CITCEM) is a partner in training and promotion actions for open classes such as, for example, the class for masters and doctoral students about the documentary film "O conto de duas cidades", directed by Steve Harrison and Morag Brennan, with executive production and documentary support provided by the Municipal Library.
• The Arts Science and Technology Research Centre collaborates with Póvoa de Varzim in the execution of publishing projects. The Municipality was a publishing partner of CITAR/UP in the publication of the study "As Filigranas" by Rocha Peixoto.
The stand-out projects with the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, also a partner in the promotion and dissemination of the city's culture, are the provision of document management services, archive services and the creation of institutional content. The following projects are examples:
• The students of the Degree in Business Communication of the Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP) help create communication and marketing content that supports the institutional communication of the activities and services that the Library provides to the community;
• The Rocha Peixoto Municipal Library hosts curricular internships for students of the Degree in Documentation and Information Sciences and Technology, for the development of projects related to document management and the treatment of literary collections, as well as the creation of digital repositories, with a view to online publication.
• The municipality of Póvoa de Varzim received the Artistic Residencies of the Master's Degree in Audiovisual Communication. The project of the School of Media Arts and Design of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto consisted of the development of photographic and cinematographic creations, which were based on the history, landscape, culture and population of Póvoa de Varzim.
Lastly, other national university institutions create synergies with Póvoa de Varzim in the promotion of literature, writing and professional training in the sector.
• The Master's Degree in Publishing Studies of Aveiro University, together with the Póvoa de Varzim Municipal Council, carries out publishing projects, literary studies, conferences and seminars. In addition, the Municipal Publishing Department hosts internships of the Master's Degree in Publishing Studies.
• The Centre for Comparative Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Lisbon University (FLUL) presented the book "Luísa Dacosta - Espelhos de palavra In Memoriam", organised by Paula Morão, a full professor of FLUL.
• The João Francisco Marques Paraenetic Studies Office created in partnership with the Centre for Portuguese-speaking and European Literature and Cultures of Lisbon University, together with Póvoa de Varzim, the "Bio-Bibliographic Dictionary of Printed Portuguese Paraenesis", from the literary collection of João Francisco Marques.
• “Delfim Amorim: A visit of his work" is an exhibition organised by CAPC, Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Coimbra University, the Rocha Peixoto Municipal Library, the Postgraduate Programme in Urban Development of the Federal University of Pernambuco and the Postgraduate Programme in Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Paraíba.
Porto University has:
• The Faculty of Arts provides degrees, doctoral courses and study centres in the areas of literature, languages and communication.
• The Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Culture, Space and Memory of the Porto University's Faculty of Arts (CITCEM) is a partner in training and promotion actions for open classes such as, for example, the class for masters and doctoral students about the documentary film "O conto de duas cidades", directed by Steve Harrison and Morag Brennan, with executive production and documentary support provided by the Municipal Library.
• The Arts Science and Technology Research Centre collaborates with Póvoa de Varzim in the execution of publishing projects. The Municipality was a publishing partner of CITAR/UP in the publication of the study "As Filigranas" by Rocha Peixoto.
The stand-out projects with the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, also a partner in the promotion and dissemination of the city's culture, are the provision of document management services, archive services and the creation of institutional content. The following projects are examples:
• The students of the Degree in Business Communication of the Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP) help create communication and marketing content that supports the institutional communication of the activities and services that the Library provides to the community;
• The Rocha Peixoto Municipal Library hosts curricular internships for students of the Degree in Documentation and Information Sciences and Technology, for the development of projects related to document management and the treatment of literary collections, as well as the creation of digital repositories, with a view to online publication.
• The municipality of Póvoa de Varzim received the Artistic Residencies of the Master's Degree in Audiovisual Communication. The project of the School of Media Arts and Design of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto consisted of the development of photographic and cinematographic creations, which were based on the history, landscape, culture and population of Póvoa de Varzim.
Lastly, other national university institutions create synergies with Póvoa de Varzim in the promotion of literature, writing and professional training in the sector.
• The Master's Degree in Publishing Studies of Aveiro University, together with the Póvoa de Varzim Municipal Council, carries out publishing projects, literary studies, conferences and seminars. In addition, the Municipal Publishing Department hosts internships of the Master's Degree in Publishing Studies.
• The Centre for Comparative Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Lisbon University (FLUL) presented the book "Luísa Dacosta - Espelhos de palavra In Memoriam", organised by Paula Morão, a full professor of FLUL.
• The João Francisco Marques Paraenetic Studies Office created in partnership with the Centre for Portuguese-speaking and European Literature and Cultures of Lisbon University, together with Póvoa de Varzim, the "Bio-Bibliographic Dictionary of Printed Portuguese Paraenesis", from the literary collection of João Francisco Marques.
• “Delfim Amorim: A visit of his work" is an exhibition organised by CAPC, Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Coimbra University, the Rocha Peixoto Municipal Library, the Postgraduate Programme in Urban Development of the Federal University of Pernambuco and the Postgraduate Programme in Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Paraíba.