A pilot project that aims to expand the "Collaborative Writing" school project to the community outside schools, cutting across different generations, vulnerable groups and special educational needs individuals.
A set of activities will be developed each year to stimulate writing and reading, exploring a different genre: prose, verse, film scripts, lyrics for music. Thus, a Local Writing Plan, renewed annually, will be taken up by municipal policy.
At selected points in the municipality's parishes, whether in the network of libraries, in the Youth Centre youth clubs and, whenever possible, in public spaces, the Project will prioritize invitations to prominent writing professionals of the region and, whenever possible, of the Portuguese-speaking world, offering them opportunities to develop their talents by giving lessons.
The project will contribute to the expressive and professional capacity building, to the dynamization of job opportunities in the literary sector and, finally, to the diversification of audiences in the literary programmes promoted by Póvoa de Varzim.